Women’s Health Panel

Womens Health

Preventive Health

Fertility Health

At the intersection of healthcare excellence and nutritional wisdom lies a dedicated Women’s Health guide. It is well committed to addressing well specific health concerns and further fostering overall well-being. Offering of those genetic testing and personalized guidance, some of these providers shall all stand as allies in the journey to a healthier, more vibrant life.
Precision health test shall aim to offer personalized healthcare solutions. It is done by considering an individual’s distinct genetic makeup, lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and other personal characteristics.
Our essential goals for Womens health is mainly focused on preventive health and fertility health. It Determines personalized care for every individual customer, Detect disease mutations that shall be well responsible for undiagnosed conditions.
Prevent some of these severe medication side effects. Identify genetic risk factors for providing lifestyle/environmental recommendations that can enhance the health of each patient.

Immune System:

  • Accumulation of Homocysteine: Some of the expert guidance while addressing elevated homocysteine levels are all linked to those cardiovascular issues and other health issues.
  • Glycation: On providing support for managing glycation, which is a process that is well associated with aging and chronic diseases.
  • Allergies in Usual: Specialized care for various allergies, which is all about helping women navigate and mitigate some of the allergic reactions.
  • Allergy to Food Coloring: Further on addressing specific allergies, one must include sensitivities to food coloring, along with tailored advice.

Cardio-Circulatory System:

  • High Ferritin: Having proper guidance on managing elevated ferritin levels that can further be associated with conditions including iron overload.
  • Atherosclerosis: Some of the expert support that helps in preventing and managing the hardening of arteries, which is a key factor in those cardiovascular health.
  • Heart Disease: Proper comprehensive care for those heart health, which shall be about covering prevention and management strategies.
  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): This has a personalized guidance while managing and preventing condition like high blood pressure.
  • Acute Myocardial Infarction: This helps in supporting and advising related to heart attacks, like prevention and recovery strategies
  • Venous Thrombosis: It shall be about addressing conditions that are well related to blood clots in veins, which shall provide preventive measures and support.
  • Ischemic Stroke: Expert guidance on further preventing and managing strokes shall lead to lowered blood flow to the brain.
  • Cardiac Arrhythmia: Personalized care for having some sort of irregular heart rhythms, shall all focus on prevention and managing things well.
  • Cholesterol Level (HDL, LDL) and Triglycerides: There are various tailored advice on sustaining optimal cholesterol levels for heart health.

Behavioral Health:

  • Depression: Expert from our end support for managing and overcoming depression, considering your symptoms and experiences.
  • Relationship Difficulty: Get proper guidance on navigating challenges in relationships, which shall provide tool for improved communication and understanding.
  • Issues in Receiving Reviews: Addressing some of the emotional challenges are all related to feedback, with a focus on resilience and coping strategies.
  • Impulsivity: Personalized advice on managing some of those impulsive behaviors and fostering better decision-making.
  • Fears: Specialized care for further addressing and overcoming some of those specific fears, which shall also help in promoting emotional well-being.
  • Selectivity on Relationships: Guidance on forming and sustaining a healthy relationships, emphasizing mutual understanding.
  • Mood Disorder: Support and proper strategies while managing mood disorders, promoting emotional balance.
  • Anxiety: Expert guidance on managing anxiety, shall all offer coping mechanisms and therapeutic approaches.


Thyroid Neoplasm, Breast Neoplasm, Colorectal Neoplasm, Endometrial Neoplasm, Ovary Neoplasm, Lungs Cancer, Skin Cancer.
This is about those comprehensive care that we provide. With respect to various types of cancers, including prevention, early detection, and proper treatment support.

Osteo-Muscular System:

  • Osteoporosis: Guidance by our experts on preventing and managing bone density issues, promoting musculoskeletal health.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Expert support by us helps you in managing autoimmune-related joint inflammation.
  • Arthrosis of the Knee: Some of the personalized advice on knee joint health, like preventive measures and management strategies.
  • Disc Herniation: Support for managing and further for preventing those spinal disc herniation, with a focus on spinal health is must.

Genito-Urinary System:

  • Kidney Calculus: Proper guidance is well on preventing and managing condition like kidney stones.
  • Candidiasis: Specialized care by us for addressing yeast infections, which shall focus on prevention and treatment.
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Get proper comprehensive support for managing hormonal imbalances which is well associated with PCOS condition of yours.
  • Endometriosis: We have expert to advice you on managing and treating endometriosis, addressing associated symptoms.
  • Uterine Fibroids: Get great personalized care for uterine fibroids, like monitoring and treatment options.
  • Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection: Get proper guidance on preventing and managing recurrent condition of UTIs.

Gastrointestinal System:

Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Lactose Intolerance, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Celiac Disease, Constipation, Gluten Intolerance, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Milk Protein Allergy, Biliary Calculations, Ulcer, Gastritis.
These are some of the aspect we take a close look at Specialized care for various gastrointestinal issues, like digestive disorders, intolerances, and inflammatory conditions.


  • Lower Sexual Desire: We provide personalized support for addressing factors affecting female libido.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Female Infertility: Our guidance on fertility treatments and addressing infertility concerns.
  • Pregnancy, Pregnancy Sickness: Well comprehensive care for a healthy pregnancy, which shall help in addressing some of the common conditions like morning sickness.

Neurological System:

  • Mental and Cognitive Decline (Age), Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease: Our Experts do support for maintaining optimal neurological health, with a focus on prevention and management.
  • Sleep Quality, Serotonin Synthesis, Dopamine Synthesis, Alzheimer’s Disease: Personalized advice on sleep health, which is neurotransmitter balance, and cognitive health.

Endocrinological System:

Hypothyroidism, Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Getting appropriate expert guidance on endocrine health, shall address issues that are related to thyroid function, diabetes, and metabolic health.

Endocrinological System – Hormones:

Oxytocin, Insulin, Melatonin, Cortisol, Testosterone, DHEA/DHEAS, Progesterone, Estradiol: Personalized advice on hormonal balance, optimizing health through hormone management.

Respiratory System:

Pulmonary Emphysema, Asthma, Apnea, Bronchitis, Allergic Rhinitis, and Flu (Influenza): Specialized care for respiratory health, like prevention and management of respiratory conditions.

Sensory System:

Cataract, Glaucoma, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Deafness, Hyperopia, Myopia, Astigmatism: Expert guidance on sustaining some optimal sensory health, like eye and ear care.

Preventive Health Strategies:

By prioritizing regular check-ups, screenings, and adopting a healthy lifestyle, women can take proactive steps towards preventing potential health issues. We are here to provide with a crucial role of guiding and supporting you in your journey towards optimal health, ensuring a longer and healthier life.

Regular Health Checkups:

  • Annual checkups with us are sure to cover blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol tests.
  • Mental health assessments ensure holistic well-being.

Physical Activity:

  • Encouragement for at approx. 150 minutes of moderate exercise performing weekly
  • Well-tailored exercise shall all plan for bone density, heart health, and overall fitness

Symptom Awareness and Doctor Consultation:

  • Emphasis on recognizing and reporting unusual symptoms promptly.
  • Guidance on seeking timely medical advice for any health concerns.

Genetic Testing and Counseling:

  • Utilizing genetic testing to assess disease susceptibility.
  • In-depth counseling on genetic results and potential health implications.

Nutrition Guidance:

  • Tailored raw and cooked food plans for optimal health.
  • Personalized dietary advice for specific health conditions and goals.

Stress Management:

  • Techniques for stress reduction and coping strategies.
  • Behavioral health support for mental and emotional well-being.


  • Comprehensive guidance on recommended vaccinations.
  • Ensuring up-to-date immunizations for protection against preventable diseases.

Women-Specific Screenings:

  • Regular screenings for breast, cervical, and ovarian cancers.
  • Bone density assessments to monitor osteoporosis risk.

Reproductive Health Education:

  • Information on family planning and contraception.
  • Support and guidance for women at different stages of reproductive life.

Heart Health Awareness:

  • Information on heart-healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Blood pressure and cholesterol management for cardiovascular health.

Dietary Supplements:

  • Recommendations for essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Ensuring proper nutrition through supplementation when needed.

Women’s Health Workshops:

  • Conducting informative sessions on various health topics.
  • Providing a platform for women to discuss and share experiences.

Our Women’s Health Providers are dedicated to offering personalized care, guidance, and support across these diverse health categories.

Fertility Health/Awareness:

By providing comprehensive assessments, personalized guidance, and emotional support, healthcare professionals with us shall contribute to empower women to make informed decisions about their fertility and family planning. A collaborative approach between women and us shall provider ensures a holistic and proactive approach to women’s health and fertility.

Educational Resources on Fertility Awareness:

  • Providing comprehensive materials and workshops on the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and fertility.
  • Empowering women with knowledge to understand their reproductive health and identify fertile periods.

Support for Women Navigating Fertility Challenges:

  • Establishing a supportive environment for women facing fertility issues.
  • Offering counseling services, support groups, and online resources to address emotional and informational needs.

Preconception Counseling:

  • Specialized consultations for women contemplating pregnancy.
  • Assessing individual health factors, genetic history, and lifestyle to optimize preconception health.

Addressing Health Factors for a Healthy Pregnancy:

  • Identifying and managing health conditions that may impact fertility and pregnancy.
  • Collaborating with healthcare professionals to create personalized plans for a healthy conception and pregnancy.

Introducing Mind-Body Practices for Stress Reduction:

  • Incorporating stress-reducing techniques through guided meditation and mindfulness practices.
  • Highlighting the role of stress management in supporting reproductive health and overall well-being.

Incorporating Yoga and Meditation into Wellness Routines:

  • Offering classes or sessions on yoga tailored to women’s health needs.
  • Integrating meditation as a daily practice to enhance mental clarity, emotional balance, and relaxation.

Exploring Alternative Therapies:

  • Providing information on alternative therapies like acupuncture, herbal remedies, and naturopathy.
  • Educating women on the potential benefits of these therapies in enhancing fertility and overall health.

Integrating Complementary Approaches for Holistic Care:

  • Collaborating with practitioners of alternative therapies to offer integrated care plans.
  • Ensuring a holistic approach that combines traditional medical interventions with complementary practices

The focus on empowering women in fertility matters extends beyond conventional healthcare. By combining education, emotional support, and holistic practices, we aim to create a nurturing environment where women feel informed, supported, and empowered in their journey towards fertility and overall well-being.

Empowering Women Through Knowledge:

Our focus is not only on treating existing conditions but on empowering women with the knowledge and tools to prevent health issues. By fostering an understanding of their own bodies and health needs, women can actively participate in their well-being.

Holistic Approach:

We believe in a holistic approach that considers physical, mental, and emotional aspects of health. Our providers work collaboratively, ensuring that women receive comprehensive care that addresses the interconnected nature of health.

Community Support:

Building a supportive community is crucial for preventive health. Through online forums, workshops, and educational resources, we create a space where women can connect, share experiences, and encourage each other on their health journeys.

Taking Charge of Your Health:

Every woman is unique, and our approach recognizes and celebrates this individuality. By taking charge of their health, women can lead fulfilling lives with confidence, knowing they have the knowledge and support needed for their well-being.
We are committed to guiding women on their path to preventive health, ensuring a future of vitality, resilience, and empowerment.

Categories Conditions Observed
Immune systemMTHFR 677 mutation (rs1801133)
 MTHFR 1298 mutation (rs1801131)
 Accumulation of Homocysteine
 Allergies in General
 Allergy to Food Coloring
Cardio-Circulatory SystemHigh Ferritin
 Heart disease
 Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
 Acute myocardial infarction
 Venous Thrombosis
 Ischemic Stroke
 Cardiac Arrhythmia
 Cholesterol Level (HDL)
 Cholesterol Level (LDL)
 Relationship Difficulty
 Difficulties in Receiving Reviews
 Selectivity on Relationships
 Mood Disorder
OncologyThyroid Neoplasm
 Colorectal Neoplasm
 Breast neoplasm
 Ovary Neoplasm
 Endometrial Neoplasm
 Lungs Cancer
 Skin Cancer
Osteo-Muscular SystemOsteoporosis
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Arthrosis of the Knee
 Disc herniation
Genito-Urinary SystemKidney Calculus
 Polycystic Ovary Syndrom
 Uterine Fibroids
 Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection
Gastrointestinal SystemCrohn’s disease
 Lactose intolerance
 Ulcerative Colitis
 Leaky Gut Syndrome
 Celiac disease
 Gluten Intolerance
 Irritable bowel syndrome
 Milk Protein Allergy
 Biliary Calculations
FertilityLower Sexual Desire (Female)
 In vitro fertilization
 Female Infertility
 Pregnancy sickness
 Recurring Gestational Loss (lower risk)
 Intra-Hepatic Pregnancy Cholestasis
 Uterine Fibromyoma
 Neural Tube Defect
 Protein C Deficiency
 Antithrombin Deficiency
 Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
 Mutation of the SERPINE1 Gene (PAI-1)
 Protein S deficiency
 Isolated Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Deficiency
 Fragile X Syndrome
 FSH deficiency
Neurological SystemMental and Cognitive Decline (Age)
 Parkinson’s disease
 Sleep Quality
 Dopamine Synthesis
 Serotonin Synthesis
 Alzheimer’s disease
Endocrinological System – Disease SusceptibilityHypothyroidism
 Type 2 diabetes
 Metabolic syndrome
 Insulin Resistance
 Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Endocrinological System – HormonesOxytocin
Respiratory systemPulmonary emphysema
 Flu (Influenza)
 Allergic Rhinitis
Sensory SystemCataract
 Age Related Macular Degeneration

How is the test conducted?

The test is typically performed using a sample of saliva or blood, which is then analyzed in a laboratory to identify specific genetic markers linked to women’s health conditions, providing valuable insights for personalized healthcare. 

Who should consider getting this genetic panel?

Women with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, individuals planning to start a family, or those interested in proactive health management can benefit from the insights provided by the Women’s Health Genetic Panel. 

What information does the panel provide?

The panel identifies genetic variations associated with an increased risk of developing certain conditions, empowering individuals and healthcare providers to make informed decisions regarding screening, prevention, and treatment options. 

Is genetic counseling recommended before taking the test?

Yes, it’s advisable to seek genetic counseling to understand the implications of the test results, potential risks, and available options for managing any identified genetic predispositions toward certain health conditions. 

How long does it take to receive the results of the Women's Health Genetic Panel?

The turnaround time for receiving results can vary depending on the tests conducted. Typically, the results are available within a week. One can also check with the testing provider or the healthcare provider to know the exact time for their reports. 

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