Sports Panel


Sports health is a multifaceted domain that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being in athletes of all levels. Right from injury prevention to performance optimization, understanding the various aspects of sports health is needed for athletes, coaches, and healthcare professionals alike.

Importance of Sports Health:

  • Physical Fitness: Sports health promotes physical fitness, including strength, flexibility, endurance, and cardiovascular health, which are essential for optimal athletic performance.
  • Injury Prevention: Proper training techniques, warm-up routines, and conditioning programs reduce the risk of sports-related injuries, like sprains, strains, and fractures.
  • Performance Optimization: Sports health strategies, such as nutrition, hydration, rest, and recovery, enhance athletic performance, endurance, and recovery between training sessions and competitions.
  • Mental Resilience: Sports health encompasses mental resilience, including focus, confidence, motivation, and stress management. These are critical for maintaining peak performance under pressure.
  • Long-Term Well-Being: Promoting sports health fosters lifelong habits of physical activity, teamwork, goal setting, and perseverance, contributing to overall health and well-being throughout life.

Common Concerns in Sports Health:

  • Injuries: Sports injuries are common and can range from minor sprains and strains to more severe fractures, dislocations, and concussions. Proper warm-up, conditioning, and injury prevention strategies are essential for minimizing injury risk.
  • Overtraining: Overtraining syndrome occurs when athletes exceed their capacity for recovery, leading to fatigue, decreased performance, and increased susceptibility to injuries and illnesses. Balancing training load, rest, and recovery is key to preventing overtraining.
  • Nutrition and Hydration: Proper nutrition and hydration are essential for fueling athletic performance, supporting muscle growth and repair, and maintaining energy levels during training and competition.
  • Mental Health: Athletes may experience mental health challenges such as performance anxiety, stress, depression, and burnout. Prioritizing mental health and seeking support from coaches, teammates, and mental health professionals is crucial for overall well-being.
  • Substance Use and Abuse: Substance use and abuse, including performance-enhancing drugs and recreational substances, pose significant risks to athletes’ health, integrity, and eligibility. Educating athletes about the dangers of substance abuse and promoting healthy alternatives is essential for promoting sports health.

LifeCode Offerings under Sports Health

KIDS HEALTH in Sports:

Sports play a crucial role in promoting physical fitness, coordination, teamwork, and self-confidence in children. Encouraging kids to participate in age-appropriate sports activities fosters healthy habits, social skills, and a lifelong appreciation for physical activity.


Sports health encompasses the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of athletes who are engaged in various sports activities. Right from injury prevention to performance optimization, prioritizing sports health ensures athletes can perform at their best while minimizing risks and promoting overall well-being.

  • 100/200/400m Race:

Sprinters require explosive power, speed, and precise technique to excel in short-distance races. We focus on optimizing sprinters’ performance through tailored training programs, injury prevention strategies, and biomechanical analysis to boost speed and efficiency.

  • Ballet:

Ballet dancers rely on strength, flexibility, and grace to execute intricate movements with precision. We intervene to include injury rehabilitation services, prevention techniques, and nutritional guidance to support these dancers’ physical health and artistic expression.

  • Baseball:

Baseball players engage in dynamic movements such as throwing, catching, and hitting, requiring agility, strength, and coordination. We support encompassing injury prevention protocols, biomechanical assessments, and strength conditioning programs for enhancing such performance and reducing injury risk.

  • Basketball:

Basketball demands agility, endurance, and teamwork, with frequent changes of direction and explosive movements. We provide services that are focused on optimizing players’ physical conditioning, injury rehabilitation, and performance enhancement through individualized training and nutrition plans.

  • Boxing:

Boxers mighty need strength, speed, and tactical prowess to succeed in the ring. We try to provide hand injury treatment, concussion management, and cardiovascular conditioning to support boxers’ health and performance in training and competition.

  • Climbing:

Rock climbers might face challenges of strength, endurance, and mental focus while navigating vertical terrain. Our support like injury prevention strategies, climbing-specific training programs, and rehabilitation services to enhance climbers’ safety and performance on the wall.

  • Combat Sports:

Athletes in combat sports such as wrestling, judo, and MMA require strength, technique, and resilience to compete effectively. We encompass injury prevention, concussion management, and nutritional support to optimize performance and ensure athletes’ well-being in the ring or on the mat.

  • Cricket:

Cricket players engage in strategic gameplay, requiring stamina, skill, and concentration. While focusing on injury prevention, cricket-specific conditioning, and biomechanical analysis to support players’ health and performance on the pitch, we try to provide it all.

  • Cross Country:

Cross-country runners tackle varied terrain and distances, demanding endurance, mental toughness, and strategic pacing. Training periodization, injury prevention strategies, and performance optimization techniques shall help the runners to excel in long-distance races.

  • Cycling:

Cyclists engage in aerobic exercise, endurance challenges, and technical skills on the road or trails. The support encompasses injury rehabilitation, bike fit assessments, and performance nutrition guidance to enhance cyclists’ safety and performance in training and competition.

  • Dance:

Dancers blend artistry with athleticism, requiring flexibility, strength, and emotional expression. We take care of dance-specific conditioning, injury prevention, and psychological support to nurture dancers’ physical health and artistic development.

  • Elbow Flexion Contracture:

Athletes with elbow flexion contracture face challenges in a range of motion and strength, affecting performance in various sports. Our services focus on rehabilitation, strength training, and biomechanical analysis to address elbow limitations and optimize function.

  • Elite Athletes:

Elite athletes strive for excellence in their sport, requiring specialized support for performance and recovery. We offer personalized training programs, injury rehabilitation, and sports psychology to help elite athletes achieve their full potential.

  • Football (American/Soccer):

Football players engage in high-impact gameplay, requiring strength, speed, and tactical awareness. What we offer here, includes concussion management, injury prevention strategies, and position-specific training to support footballers’ health and performance on the field.

  • Greater Benefit of Aerobic Exercise for Vascular Function:

Aerobic exercise promotes cardiovascular health, enhancing vascular function and reducing the risk of heart disease. Our healthcare support like performing exercise prescriptions, cardiovascular assessments, and lifestyle counseling to optimize vascular health and performance.

  • Greater Respiratory Gains with Exercise:

Regular exercise improves lung capacity, respiratory muscle strength, and oxygen uptake, enhancing athletic performance. We focus on respiratory training, breathing techniques, and aerobic conditioning to optimize lung function and sports performance.

  • Hockey:

Hockey players engage in fast-paced gameplay, requiring speed, agility, and physicality. Our services include injury prevention strategies, concussion management, and strength conditioning to support players’ health and performance on the ice.

  • Improved Heart Rate with Training:

Regular exercise improves heart rate variability, cardiac function, and cardiovascular fitness, enhancing athletic performance. Our personalized training programs, heart rate monitoring, and cardiovascular assessments optimize heart health and performance.

  • Ironman/Triathlon:

Ironman triathletes tackle swimming, cycling, and running over long distances, demanding endurance, and mental resilience. We focus on training periodization, nutrition planning, and injury prevention to support triathletes’ health and success in endurance events.

  • Judo/Karate:

Martial artists require strength, technique, and discipline to excel in judo, karate, and other disciplines. We encompass injury prevention, concussion management, and martial arts-specific conditioning to support athletes’ health and performance in combat sports.

  • Knee Flexion Contracture:

Athletes with knee flexion contracture face challenges in mobility and strength, impacting performance in sports. We offer rehabilitation, range of motion exercises, and biomechanical analysis to address knee limitations and optimize function.

  • Long Distance Swimmers:

Endurance swimmers undertake prolonged swims, requiring stamina, technique, and mental focus. Receive support in the form of swim-specific training, nutrition planning, and open-water safety to help swimmers excel in long-distance events.

  • Lung Capacity:

Lung capacity influences aerobic capacity and athletic performance in endurance sports. We focus on respiratory training, breathing exercises, and aerobic conditioning to optimize lung function and sports performance.

  • MMA (Mixed Martial Arts):

MMA athletes combine striking, grappling, and ground fighting techniques, requiring versatility and resilience. We offer injury prevention, concussion management, and mental resilience training to support MMA fighters’ health and performance in the cage.

  • Marathon/Running Performance:

Marathon runners and distance athletes face challenges of endurance, pacing, and mental toughness. Training periodization, nutrition planning, and injury prevention strategies to support runners’ health and success in long-distance races.

  • Mountain Bike/Ski/Snowboard/Surf/Wakeboard/Windsurfing:

Extreme sports athletes tackle rugged terrain and dynamic conditions, requiring skill, agility, and risk management. We support injury prevention, equipment recommendations, and emergency preparedness to enhance athletes’ safety and enjoyment of their chosen activities.

  • Muscle Damage in Low Hill Diets/Tendon Strength:

Nutrition influences muscle recovery, repair, and resilience, impacting sports performance. Our focus lies on nutritional counseling, supplementation, and hydration strategies to support muscle health and injury prevention in athletes.

  • Paragliding/Skydiving:

Aerial sports athletes navigate the skies, requiring skill, equipment knowledge, and risk awareness. Get safety training, equipment checks, and emergency protocols to promote paragliders’ and skydivers’ safety and confidence in flight.

  • Power Athletes/Weightlifting:

Power athletes excel in explosive, strength-based sports such as weightlifting, sprinting, and jumping. Get trained for strength conditioning, power development, and injury prevention to optimize athletes’ performance and reduce injury risk.

  • Race 5,000/10,000/Triple Jump:

Middle-distance runners and jumpers require a blend of speed, endurance, and technique to excel in track and field events. We train periodization, biomechanical analysis, and injury prevention strategies to enhance athletes’ performance and success in races and jumps.

  • Risk Sports:

Extreme and adventure sports pose inherent risks, requiring skill, preparation, and safety measures. We help in risk assessment, injury prevention education, and emergency response planning to support athletes’ safety and enjoyment in risk sports.

  • Rowing:

Rowers engage in full-body, aerobic exercise, requiring strength, technique, and teamwork. Our interventions include rowing-specific conditioning, injury prevention strategies, and technique refinement to support rowers’ health and performance on the water.

  • Rugby:

Rugby players participate in physically demanding gameplay, requiring strength, endurance, and resilience. We offer injury prevention, concussion management, and strength conditioning to support rugby players’ health and performance on the field.

  • Runner with More Speed/Endurance Than Speed:

Runners with different physiological profiles require tailored training and pacing strategies to optimize performance. Individualized training plans, biomechanical assessments, and performance analysis to support runners’ success in their chosen events.

  • Synchronized Swimming/Tennis/Volleyball:

Team sports athletes require coordination, communication, and teamwork to succeed in synchronized swimming, tennis, volleyball, and other disciplines. Our support includes injury prevention, sport-specific conditioning, and mental skills training to enhance athletes’ performance and cohesion on the field of play.

  • Trend to Exercise During Leisure/Yoga:

Leisure-time physical activity promotes health and well-being, with yoga offering benefits for flexibility, stress reduction, and mindfulness. Our support focuses on promoting active lifestyles, integrating exercise into leisure activities, and providing resources for yoga practice to support individuals’ overall health and wellness.
As healthcare providers who also specialize in sports health, we are committed to supporting athletes of all levels and disciplines in achieving their goals and maintaining their well-being. By offering comprehensive services tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each sport, we empower athletes to perform at their best while prioritizing their health and safety. Whether it’s injury prevention, performance optimization, or rehabilitation, we are here to provide expert guidance and support throughout athletes’ sporting journey.

Categories Conditions Observed

Amino acids 



L-carnitine Deficiency 




Monohydrate Creatine 



Antioxidants / Supplements 

BCAA levels 


Beta-Casein A1 


Beta-Casein A2A2 


Leucine Absorption 


Retinoic Acid 


Vegetarian Protein Shake 


Whey Protein 




Motivation to Exercise 




Sports Behavior 








Aerobic Capacity 


Brugada Syndrome 


Cardiac Capacity 


Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 


Increased blood pressure during exercise 


Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome 


Paroxysmal Ventricular Fibrillation 


Romano-Ward Syndrome 


Ventricular Tachycardia 


Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome 



Fatty acids 

Arachidonic Acid Deficiency 






Protein Digestive Capacity 



Genetic diseases 

Sudden Death Syndrome 


Walker-Warburg Syndrome 



Hematologic system 

Benefit of Physical Exercise for HDL 


High Ferritin 



Hereditary diseases 

Pompe disease 




Cortisol Level 




Increased Cortisol (in women) 


Increased Noradrenaline Level During Exercise 




Suppression of the secretion of luteinizing hormone due to anabolics 






Achilles tendon injury 


Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (ACL) 


Best Recovery after Injury 


Exercise Induced Muscle Damage 




Hamstring Injuries 


Hip dislocation 


Increased Risk of Sports Injuries 


Ligament Rupture 


Meniscus Injury 


Probability of Muscle Injuries 


Shoulder Shift 


Sports-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries 




Greater Insulin Sensitivity with Physical Exercise 


Improving Insulin Sensitivity with Physical Exercise 


Mitochondrial Complex Deficiency 1 


Protein Metabolization 


Resting Metabolic Rate 


Resting Metabolism 


Transport of MnSOD to Mitochondria 



Muscular system 

Achilles Tendinopathy Risk 


Athletes with Greater Physical Strength 


Biceps Increase 


Contraction of Skeletal Muscle Fibers 


Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy 


Energy Spending 


Explosive Strength 


Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers 


Gait Instability 


Hand Grip Strength 


Hard Person Syndrome 


Increased Exercise Recovery Time 


Increased Maximum Force Production 


Knee strength 


Lactate Accumulation (High Intensity Circuit) 


Ligament Strength 


Malignant Hyperthermia 


Muscle Damage Protection 


Muscle Performance 


Muscle Performance (Angiotensin II) 


Muscle Weakness After Exercise 


Muscle cramps 


Muscle growth 


Muscle mass 


Muscle stiffness 


Muscle strength 


Muscular Dystrophy – Congenital Dystroglycanopathy 


Myostatin K153R 


Neuromuscular Power 


Quadriceps Muscle Strength 


Slow-twitch fibers 


Tendon Contractures 


Tendon reflex 


Transversal Physiological Area of the Quadriceps 


Vastus Lateral Muscle 




Motor coordination 




Back pains 


Lumbar Disc Disease 


Pain Sensitivity 



Personal characteristics 

Ability to Accept Criticism 


Attention deficit 


Devotion to work 


Higher Temperature During Exercise 


Increased Probability of Fatigue 


Leadership gene 


Manual dexterity 


Mitochondrial Energy Production 


Morning Chronotype 


Night chronotype 




Visuospatial Working Memory 




Challenging behavior 




Addiction tendency (eating, gambling, alcohol, smoking) 





Reasons for Conflict 

Difficulties in Dealing with Criticism 



Respiratory system 

Aerobic Resistance 


Oxygen Volume (O2) Max (VO2 Max) 


Respiratory Quotient (RQ) 



Skeletal system (bones) 

Bone Strength 


Contracture of lower limb joints 


Degenerative Lumbar Disc Disease 


Elbow Flexion Contracture 


Hip Osteoarthritis 


Intervertebral Disc Disease 


Musculoskeletal Pain 








100/200/400m race 
















Cross Country 






Elbow flexion contracture 


Elite athletes 


Football (American) 


Football (Soccer) 


Greater Benefit of Aerobic Exercise for Vascular Function 


Greater respiratory gains with exercise 




Improved Heart Rate with Training 








Knee flexion contracture 


Long Distance Swimmers 


Lung Capacity 






Mountain Bike 


Muscle Damage in Low Hill Diets 




Power Athletes 


Race 5,000/10,000 


Risk Sports 






Runner with more Speed than Endurance 


Runner with more endurance than speed 


Running Performance 














Synchronized swimming 


Tendon strength 




Trend to Exercise During Leisure 




Triple jump 










Worst Motor Speed After Injury 






Vitamin B2 


Vitamin B6 


Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) 




Benefit of Physical Exercise for Weight Loss 


Body fat 


Decrease in body mass after training 


Fat Oxidation 


Fat burning through cycling 


Greater Reduction in BMI with Exercise 



What is the Sports Panel?

The sports panel helps to evaluate the performance of each sports person in their respective field. Right from how the injuries can be avoided to what to do when one occurs. It provides a holistic view of an individual’s athletic profile. 

Who should consider getting this panel?

This panel is useful for athletes of all levels. Mature as well as amateur performance. The mature once can improve their game while the amateur one can polish their skills. Some of the other people who can benefit from this panel are coaches, sports scientists and sports doctors. 

What information does the panel provide?

The panel offers detailed insights about various sports and all the necessary information one needs for a particular sport. It evaluates the sportsperson’s performance and provides the necessary results. It also provides recommendations for training, nutrition, and recovery, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their athletic development. 

Is the Sports Panel suitable for all sports?

Yes, the Sports Panel is suitable for most of the sports. It helps to assess specific requirements and demands of all the different types of sports. It also ensures tailored recommendations for each athlete’s unique needs and goals, irrespective of their chosen discipline. 

Why is sport important in one’s life

These days sport is the key to a good and healthy life. One sports activity is of utmost necessity to include in every person’s life. A life without sport activity is an open invitation to many health conditions like obesity. Although the sedentary lifestyle has done nothing but added to some medicines to be consumed daily. 

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