Men’s Health Panel

Mens Health

We aim to offer personalized healthcare solutions by considering your distinct genetic makeup, environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and other personal characteristics.
Our essential goal for precision health is to Determine personalized care for every individual customer. You must detect the disease mutations that are highly responsible for undiagnosed conditions. Prevent severe medication side effects. Identify genetic risk factors to provide lifestyle/environmental recommendations for enhancing the health of each patient.

Common Men’s Health Issues To Watch Out For

Some of the men might struggle to look over their mental and physical health. This might all lead to skip checkups. Further, screenings might also ensure them to live long and healthy lives. Men who do not take health seriously to their mind and body might develop severe health conditions. The “medical gender gap” and some of the consequences related to this are very real. This goes as per the CDC, with men who are dying about five years earlier than women on average.

  • Oncology System:

Heart conditions are the leading which is good cause of death in men. For further keep the heart healthy. You can further make some of the important choices. Eat a mix of healthy foods including fruits and veggies, stop the act of smoking, manage stress, stay active, and take the medicines your doctor will give you. Performing regular checkups is also crucial. At such visits, one can get tests including blood pressure checks or proper cholesterol screenings that shall further help in finding heart issues early.

  • Cancer Awareness:

Poat heart disease, a condition like cancer is the second most common cause of death for men in the U.S. This is followed by skin, colorectal, prostate, and lung cancers which are well common. To stay on top of your health, you must live a healthy lifestyle and have regular screenings for the same. Simple things including the use of sunscreen, eating less processed or red meat, quitting smoking, and talking to your doctor about those tests can lower your risk of cancer-like conditions.

  • Endocrinological System – Disease Susceptibility:

Men might have a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes, even at a lower weight as compared to women. This is because men who all have more belly fat that will enhance increased diabetes risk. Keep your weight in proper check and also be quite active to lower this risk. Knowing in case you might have prediabetes which shall be early is just so helpful. Take the CDC’s prediabetes risk test to learn more and take proper action whenever needed.

  • Erectile Dysfunction:

Erectile dysfunction-like conditions are common, which is especially in older men. But it does not have to affect your sex life. Treatments including medications can further help, and healthy habits including quitting smoking or cutting back on alcohol can further prevent it. When you might notice any of the symptoms. It is well essential to talk to the doctor under any such condition. Erectile dysfunction or impotence issues in men might be a sign of a more serious condition including diabetes or high blood pressure.

  • HPV and Other STIs:

Condition like Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection. While it might all go away on its own, this condition can further lead to health issues. Some of the men with conditions like HPV might develop conditions like penile cancer or genital warts. Further getting vaccinated right against HPV can prevent conditions like infection. It is most effective before the age of 26. Making use of condoms is well crucial to prevent HPV and some other sexually transmitted infections. Taking some of the steps shall also help in protecting your overall health.

  • Understanding Low Testosterone:

As men get into their thirties, the levels of testosterone, which is an important hormone, begin to enhance. In this case, one might notice some of the unwanted changes including a lower sex drive or trouble in concentrating. It is worth talking to the healthcare provider. They might further do a simple blood test to check your hormone levels. In case, there is an issue, your provider can identify the condition and discuss options, like testosterone replacement therapy, which shall also help you to feel better.

  • Behavioral or Recognizing Depression:

Depression-like conditions in men can affect men in several ways that are not easy to recognize. Instead of conditions like feeling sad, men shall experience anger or irritability level. Sometimes, some of these feelings are kept hidden. When you might think about going through an act of depression. Further, taking the first step is well essential—talk to your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Remember, providers are there to help, do not judge, and they might further guide you toward feeling better.
No matter what the health challenges one might face, you can further take proper control of your well-being by being proactive. Start today by caring for your body right both inside and out. Think of your healthcare provider as a partner in your health journey. They recommend tests, answer your questions, and can further help you to move towards better health.
Heart disease, prostate cancer, and liver cirrhosis are the most prevalent health conditions for men. It is never too late to make some of the healthier choices, and any age is a good time to start taking care of your health. Similar to women, men must further focus on eating well great nutritious foods, performing regular doctor visits, managing levels of stress, and performing regular exercise. Below are some of the few lifestyle changes that are recommended by experts to help maintain men’s health:
Choose a well-balanced diet by consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Schedule regular check-ups to further catch potential health conditions early.
Find some of the healthy ways to cope with the condition of stress, including exercise, meditation, or hobbies.
Stay properly active while performing regular exercise to keep your body and mind in good shape.
Remember, in making some of the small, positive changes that can have a big impact on your overall health and well-being.

Preventive Health

We, as your Healthcare providers play a crucial role in guiding men through this journey of preventative care, offering screenings, education, and personalized interventions to promote optimal health.

  1. Perform Regular Checkups:

Every year, no matter what your age or how you might feel, it is very crucial to get a proper health checkup and we can help you do so! This shall all help in keeping proper track of your well-being. Performing regular checkups shall include tests for blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol-like conditions. Do not forget about your mental health when needed, make sure you seek proper care.
We are here to remind you and make sure you are on those checklist of regular checkups

  1. Stay Active:

We suggest you do at least 150 minutes of moderate activities each week. This can be done by performing running, power walking, swimming, or any activity that might get your heart rate up. Strengthen your muscles with approx. 75 minutes of intense cardio or muscle-strengthening activities. The more you move, the stronger your body shall become.

  1. Visit Our Experts Whenever Needed:

In case, something does not seem right, it shall be about cutting that will not heal, alterations in moles, unexplained weight swings, or any of the sexual issues. If these issues are bothersome, consult our doctor as soon as possible. Alterations in sleep or bathroom habits are also important. Catching small minute issues might early prevent bigger problems later.

  1. Know Your Family History:

If your family has some of a history of diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure, one might be at proper risk too. Share the history with your doctor so that they can help in creating a plan to lower your risks and catch those early issues.

  1. Eat Healthy:

You are to focus on eating a balanced diet, not just cutting any of the calories. Your body might need the right amount of nutrients for properly staying strong and healthy. You must consult a nutritionist with us for a personalized plan that shall fit your lifestyle and health.
We do provide you with proper raw food and in case you need cooked food, we do provide the same. Consuming these foods under proper guidance can make a lot of difference.

  1. Get Enough Sleep:

You are to get enough sleep for at least seven hours per night. This shall allow your mind and body to relax. Avoid performing any sort of screens (TV, computer, phone) an hour before bed for a better act of sleep. Enough amount of sleep shall help with libido issues and proper fatigue.

  1. Take Regular Breaks:

Manage your level of stress by taking proper breaks for performing things you might enjoy. You are to play sports so that you can connect with friends, read, or pursue a hobby.

  1. Get Your Prostate Checked:

Prostate health is just so important, especially as prostate cancer is just so common in Indian men. When you might further notice some of the symptoms like urinary incontinence or discomfort, watch out with us for a specialist concerning a prostate check.

  1. Quit Bad Habits:

Smoking, excessive alcohol, and chewing tobacco are quite harmful and they can further lead to severe diseases. Quitting some of the habits today shall enhance your overall health and it can also lower the risk of complications.

  1. Stay Hydrated:

Consumption of enough amount of water is well crucial for your overall health. It helps with condition of digestion, keeps your skin healthy, and helps in supporting various bodily functions. You must make sure to stay properly hydrated throughout the day.

  1. Practice Safe Habits:

Taking proper precautions in your daily activities is well essential for all. Whether it is about wearing some protective gear while performing sports or following proper safety guidelines at work, one shall practice safe habits to lower the risk of accidents and injuries performed earlier.

  1. Foster Healthy Relationships:

Maintaining positive relationships along with family and friends is well beneficial for your mental health. Some of the social connections with us shall provide emotional support, lower levels of stress, and contribute to overall well-being.

  1. Practice Stress-Relief Techniques:

In addition to further taking proper breaks, explore stress-relief techniques including some meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. Performing these practices with us shall all help in managing stress-like conditions and enhance mental resilience.

  1. Be Sun Smart:

Make sure you protect your skin right from exposure to the harmful sun’s rays. Use proper sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and limit sun exposure, especially during those peak hours. This act shall help prevent skin damage and lower the risk of skin cancers.

  1. Mental Health Matters:

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious, do not hesitate to talk to a mental health professional. You are to take proper care of your mental health as important as some of your physical health.

  1. Stay Informed:

Keep yourself well informed about those health-related topics. We make sure that you stay well updated on these preventive measures, some of the new health guidelines, and any of those specific health concerns that are well related to your age or lifestyle.

  1. Dental Care:

Do not forget about all those oral health. Brush and floss regularly, and you must schedule regular dental checkups. Good oral hygiene shall contribute to their overall health.

  1. Limit Processed Foods:

While it is well about those essentials to eat a balanced diet, try to simply limit those processed and sugary foods. We do provide raw food that is best for your men’s health and if you need and are not available to prepare food, we do provide cooked food too. These are all nutrient-rich foods to properly support your overall health.

  1. Challenge Your Mind:

Engage in some of the activities which shall further stimulate those brains. This might further include puzzles, reading, learning a new skill, or participating in some of those intellectually stimulating hobbies. This shall help in keeping your mind active to further contribute to cognitive health.

  1. Set Realistic Goals:

Set great achievable health goals for yourself. Whether it is well about incorporating some more fruits and vegetables into your diet or enhancing your weekly exercise, setting proper realistic goals shall help you to stay right on track.
You must also remember that making small alterations can lead to significant improvements in your health. By further adopting some of these mentioned simple yet impactful habits, you are taking proactive steps toward a healthier and happier life.

Physical Aspect Of Men’s Health

Men from 15 to 65 years of age are well significantly less likely than women to seek preventive care services, and they are more likely to call it out for not having a primary care provider.
Achieving and sustaining good health is a collaborative effort between you, your men’s health provider, and your dietary choices. With proper guidance, incorporating a balanced mix of raw and cooked foods into your diet can contribute to a healthier and more vibrant life. Performing those Regular checkups and a nutrient-rich diet are key pillars of a proactive approach to men’s health.

Categories Conditions Observed
Cardio-Circulatory System Atherosclerosis
 Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
 Acute myocardial infarction
 Cholesterol Level (HDL)
 Venous Thrombosis
 Cardiac Arrhythmia
 High Ferritin
 Heart disease
 Ischemic Stroke
 MTHFR 1298 mutation (rs1801131)
 MTHFR 677 mutation (rs1801133)
Neurological SystemMental and Cognitive Decline (Age)
 Alzheimer’s disease
 Parkinson’s disease
 Sleep Quality
 Dopamine Synthesis
 Serotonin Synthesis
FertilityMale infertility
 Seletividade em Relacionamento
 Mood Disorder
 Difficulties in Receiving Reviews
Gastrointestinal SystemGluten Intolerance
 Lactose intolerance
 Ulcerative Colitis
 Leaky Gut Syndrome
 Milk Protein Allergy
 Irritable Bowel Syndrome
 Celiac disease
OncologyThyroid Neoplasm
 Colorectal Neoplasm
 Prostate Neoplasm
 Skin Cancer
 Lungs Cancer
Respiratory systemAsthma
 Flu (Influenza)
 Pulmonary emphysema
 Allergic Rhinitis
Genito-Urinary SystemKidney Calculus
 Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
Osteo-Muscular SystemOsteoporosis
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Arthrosis of the Knee
 Disc herniation
Endocrinological System – Disease SusceptibilityMetabolic syndrome
 Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
 Insulin Resistance
 Type 2 diabetes
Endocrinological System – HormonesOxytocin
Sensory SystemCataract
 Age Related Macular Degeneration
AllergiesFood Coloring Allergy
 Allergies in General

What lifestyle factors can impact men's health?

Lifestyle factors that can impact men’s health include diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, substance abuse, stress, sleep quality, occupational hazards, and access to healthcare services. 

How does mental health affect men?

Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress can significantly impact men’s well-being, relationships, and quality of life. Men may be less likely to seek help for mental health concerns due to stigma or societal expectations. 

What are some key preventive health screenings that men should consider?

Men should consider preventive health screenings such as blood pressure checks, cholesterol tests, blood sugar tests, prostate cancer screenings (PSA tests), colorectal cancer screenings (colonoscopies), and regular check-ups with their healthcare provider. 

How can men prioritize self-care and mental well-being?

Men can prioritize self-care and mental well-being by practicing stress management techniques, engaging in activities they enjoy, seeking social support, maintaining strong relationships, and seeking professional help when needed. 

What role does preventive care play in men's health?

Preventive care plays a crucial role in men’s health by helping identify health issues early when they’re most treatable. Regular check-ups, screenings, and healthy lifestyle habits can prevent or detect many common health problems. 

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