Preventive Health Package


Preventive Health Package

Invest in your well-being with Lifecode’s Preventive Health Package. Tailored for every stage of life, our comprehensive panels cover Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Pediatric Health, Baby Panel, Microbiome, and Nutrition. Stay ahead of potential health issues and embrace a healthier future with Lifecode’s preventive healthcare solutions.

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At Lifecode Healthcare, we understand the importance of proactive health management. Our Preventive Health Package is designed to provide a holistic view of your health, addressing specific needs at different life stages. Here’s a breakdown of our panels:

  • Men’s Health Panel: Focuses on key aspects of men’s well-being, including cardiovascular health, hormone levels, and overall vitality.
  • Women’s Health Panel: Tailored to women’s health needs, covering hormonal balance, reproductive health, and cardiovascular markers.
  • Pediatric Health Panel: Ensures a comprehensive assessment of a child’s health, addressing growth, development, and potential early signs of health issues.
  • Baby Panel: Specifically crafted for infants, this panel covers vital markers for early health detection and supports a healthy start in life.
  • Microbiome Panel: Analyzes the gut microbiota, providing insights into digestive health, immunity, and overall well-being.
  • Nutrition Panel: Personalized nutritional analysis to guide dietary choices, ensuring optimal nutrition for sustained well-being.

How It Works

  • Select Your Package: Choose the Preventive Health Package that aligns with your health goals or the specific needs of your family members.
  • Book Your Appointment: Schedule a convenient time for your health assessment at one of our Lifecode Healthcare centers.
  • Sample Collection: Our trained professionals will collect the necessary samples, ensuring a seamless and comfortable experience.
  • Laboratory Analysis: State-of-the-art technology and expert analysis will provide detailed insights into your health markers.
  • Comprehensive Report: Receive a detailed and easy-to-understand report, including personalized recommendations for improvement.
  • Consultation: Schedule a consultation with our healthcare professionals to discuss your results and create a personalized health plan.


  • Why is preventive health important?

Preventive health allows for the early detection of potential health issues, enabling proactive intervention and lifestyle adjustments to maintain optimal well-being.

  • How often should I undergo preventive health screenings?

The frequency of screenings may vary based on age, gender, and individual health factors. Our healthcare professionals can provide personalized recommendations during the consultation.

  • Are the results easy to understand?

Yes, we provide comprehensive reports in a clear and understandable format. Our healthcare professionals will guide you through the results during the consultation.

  • Can I choose specific panels from the Preventive Health Package?

Yes, you have the flexibility to choose individual panels based on your health priorities. Our team can help you tailor the package to meet your specific needs.

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