Cardiac Health Package


Cardiac Health Package

Prioritize your heart’s well-being with Lifecode’s Cardiac Health Package. Our comprehensive approach covers cardiovascular assessment, personalized nutrition, behavioral support, sleep optimization, and neurodegenerative screening. Invest in your heart health and embrace a vibrant life with Lifecode.

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Lifecode Healthcare is committed to safeguarding your heart health with our Cardiac Health Package, which includes the following components:

  • Cardiovascular Assessment: Thorough evaluation of cardiovascular health, including risk factors for heart disease, blood pressure monitoring, lipid profile analysis, and assessment of heart function.
  • Nutrition: Personalized nutritional guidance to support heart health, including recommendations for a heart-healthy diet, management of cholesterol levels, and strategies for weight management.
  • Behavioral Support: Counseling and support to address behavioral factors that impact heart health, such as stress management, smoking cessation, and adherence to medication and lifestyle modifications.
  • Sleep Optimization: Assessment and management of sleep disorders that may contribute to cardiovascular risk, such as obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless leg syndrome.
  • Neurodegenerative Screening: Screening for neurodegenerative conditions that may affect cardiovascular health, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, to facilitate early intervention and management.

How It Works

  • Select Your Package: Choose the Cardiac Health Package that aligns with your heart health goals and concerns.
  • Book Your Appointment: Schedule a consultation with our healthcare professionals to initiate the assessment process.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: Undergo a comprehensive assessment of your cardiovascular health, including medical history review, physical examination, and diagnostic tests.
  • Personalized Plan: Based on the assessment results, receive a personalized cardiac health plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.
  • Implementation: Implement the recommended interventions, which may include dietary modifications, exercise programs, stress management techniques, and sleep hygiene practices.
  • Follow-up Care: Lifecode Healthcare provides ongoing support and follow-up consultations to monitor your progress, adjust interventions as needed, and ensure continued heart health and well-being.


  • How often should I undergo cardiovascular assessment?

The frequency of cardiovascular assessment may vary depending on individual risk factors and health status. Our healthcare professionals can provide personalized recommendations during your consultation.

  • Can nutrition guidance help lower cholesterol levels?

Yes, personalized nutrition guidance can play a significant role in managing cholesterol levels and supporting heart health. Our experts offer dietary recommendations tailored to your specific needs and goals.

  • How does stress impact heart health?

Chronic stress can contribute to heart disease by raising blood pressure, increasing heart rate, and promoting unhealthy behaviors such as overeating or smoking. Our behavioral support services include stress management techniques to help mitigate these effects.

  • What are the symptoms of sleep disorders that may affect heart health?

Symptoms of sleep disorders may include snoring, daytime fatigue, difficulty falling or staying asleep, and waking up gasping for air. Our sleep optimization services can help identify and manage these symptoms to improve heart health.

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