What is the success rate of radiation therapy?
What is the success rate of radiation therapy?
What is radiotherapy?
Treatment of cancer is done through various pathways. Among the several such pathways, radiation therapy is a proven treatment methodology. At times, it is called radiotherapy. Here, rays of high intensity and focus are transmitted onto the organ or tissue that has developed cancerous growth. Your caregiving team focuses high-energy rays to burn the affected tissues.
High-intensity rays cause cancerous tissues to shrink, and in the process – stall unchecked growth of affected / carcinogenic cellular forms. It is the DNA of cancer-causing cellular structures that are impaired – leaving no scope for another lease of life in them. This is how cancers are stopped and are cured using radiation therapy.
Radiation therapy
On the whole, radiation therapy is classified into 2 distinctive categories viz., external beam and internal radiotherapy. The genre of radiation chosen for you depends on your team of radiation oncologists. The decision is based on site at which cancer has developed, how big is its size, has it already started spreading, where is it identified in your system, etc.
The above decision also takes into account factors such as closeness of affected tissues to normal or healthy cells, how sensitive is your body to rays of high energy or intensity, etc. Your team of oncologists will also assess your clinical history, presence of other forms of ailments – especially of the autoimmune sub-genre. Added to these, parameters such as your age, gender and if you are already pursuing are also considered.
Radiotherapy machine
Of these 2 kinds of radiation therapies, external–beam therapy uses a machine. This machine is of a large build; it also makes high decibel sounds while it is operated. The good thing is this equipment works without touching your body. But you will see it moving around you and emits high–intensity radiations from several dimensions.
Radiation therapies deliver high-intensity x – rays. Such rays are from linear accelerator – also known as linac. Doctors administer such powerful rays through a customised dosage plan. Such plans aid in mapping tissues requiring cancer treatment.
In case of radiation therapy done with internalised approach involves placing one or more sources of radiations in humans. Sources of powerful rays are solid or liquid in nature. Brachytherapy is the name of treatment offered with a solid source to generate rays. Your radiation therapists / oncologists will put a ribbon or capsule which houses a source of rays. Placement site nears the site of tumor(s).
Both forms of radiation therapies are localised – as they gain access to the site affected by cancer. In other words, there is relatively lesser risk of rays damaging healthy or normal tissues. Of the two types of radiotherapy, internal approach has the source providing powerful rays for a predetermined duration.
However, radiation therapy offered through liquid-based radiation sources are labelled as systemic therapy. In such cases, rays successfully breach tissues and blood, to reach all through your body. Upon placement, rays continue to identify ad well as destroy cancer-causing cellular forms.
An advancement in radiation-based treatment is the volumetric–modulated–arc therapy – in short, VMA therapy. Here, the machine called linear accelerator (linac) rotates at multiple axes – gaining access to many parts of the patient’s body. This machine enables radiations to enter into the body through many angles.
One of the very modern developments is machines – i.e., linear accelerators – are attached with an accessory called as collimator. This accessory saves your body like a protective cover; multi-leaf collimators are known to have 100+ sheaths for added protection. Each of these sheaths aid blocking a part of the radiations from hitting where they are not needed.
This is a reason why areas exposed to linear accelerators are marked with high level of precision; this helps avoid needless spillage of x-rays to unaffected sites or organs of your system. You need to note that prior formats of linear accelerators did not come with a collimator. During those times, shields are made with hand-made settings; these are employed to reduce risks associated with needless exposure on powerful rays.
Lastly, radiotherapy for treating cancers that use external–beam technology forms part of highly focused pathway. Owing to this, this approach is taken for cancers identified in an individual organ or tissue. Example: people identified with lung tumors are exposed to radiotherapy onto the chest. By this way, rays are not let to damage any other site or parts of the body.
Radiotherapy for cancer
Doctors who render treatment using linear accelerators ensure to save healthy and unaffected cels and tissues. The purpose of radiation therapy is to destroy only those cells which cause cancers. These rays are known to cure cancers. It is quite a common thing to combine radiations with chemo drugs as well as surgical procedures. The latter are used for the excision of tumors through the surgical route.
Your treating team of doctors i.e., radiation oncologists will finalise the strength of radiations i.e., of the x-ray genre. Your treatment team decides the intensity depending on stage at which tumors are diagnosed, size and a few other factors. Prior to starting radiation therapy, the team of oncologists will also refer to reports of scans – such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging scan as well as computer tomography scans; the team will also order for a few lab tests. All these are clubbed along with a thorough examination of the patient’s body – on the whole.
What is the success rate of radiation therapy?
Rates of success are on the high in the recent years – thanks to availability of high-precision technologies to position tumors. Coupled with these advancements, detection of cancers at a fairly early stage is another key reason for higher success rates.
The level of awareness about cancers has also increased in recent time. In case of head and neck tumors, success rates have already crossed 78%; this is a big leap, when compared to very-low rates of success a few years ago. Rates prevailed at as low as 33% nearly 18 years ago.
Radiation side effects
This form of treatment triggers a few harmful side effects. In case of radiations targeting your head and neck region, side effects include loss of hair from your scalp, severe spells of migraines, blurring of your eyesight and memory lapses.
Women who undergo radiation therapies to find cure for breast cancers develop a few unique outcomes; these include swelling your chest, being tired and wanting to sleep. Tumors shaping up in the pelvic floor – upon being exposed to rays can cause sexual dysfunction; In case of males, they can witness difficulties to get and / or sustain a penile rection while having sex with a partner. In clinical terms – this condition is labelled as erectile dysfunction.
Men may also experience a decrease in sexual urges; this is also called a loss of libido. Women who take radiation therapies to treat tumors formation in their pelvic floor may develop pregnancy related issues. In some cases, women have reported fertility-related conditions.
Sittings of radiation therapy may need in excess of 55 minutes to get over. Oncologists may offer you with a session once per day; taking two or sittings within a day can cause irreparable damages to your body. Of the time taken at the machine i.e., linear accelerator, lion’s share is used up for getting the positioning correct. If your body / site is not in alignment with the field of linear accelerator, you tend to burn up healthy cells / tissues.
The good news is: the very first sitting alone takes more time. Once the position is mapped and is aligned, subsequent sessions of radiation therapy may need only 30 minutes. Out of all these, the table time – or, the time wherein you will be under the actual field of high-power radiations is as low as 5 minutes only.
Side effects of radiation causes can change from one person to another i.e., no two individuals who take these therapies may report the same outcomes. The kind of remedies as well as side effects depends upon stage of tumor, age of patients, onset of other autoimmune conditions, presence of a family history of cancers, etc.
Duration for which radiation therapies are offered also varies depending on if tumors have started spreading and if there are other sites where cancers have been diagnosed. You are advised to talk to your radiation oncologist to know more on radiation therapies, radiotherapy machine i.e., linear accelerator as well as of the side effects these powerful rays may trigger.
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Education: Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai Experience: Agarwal is a seasoned pharmacist with over 7 years of experience in the pharmaceutical field. She has worked in various settings, including hospital pharmacies and community clinics, where she has excelled in medication management, patient counseling, and clinical support. Agarwal is known for her expertise in drug therapy optimization and patient safety. In addition to her practical experience, she contributes to health journalism, focusing on pharmaceutical advancements and health policy, and is involved in research projects aimed at improving medication practices and health outcomes. is known for her expertise in drug therapy optimization and patient safety. In addition to her practical experience, she contributes to health journalism, focusing on pharmaceutical advancements and health policy, and is involved in research projects aimed at improving medication practices and health outcomes.