Hodgkin lymphoma treatment
Hodgkin lymphoma treatment
A unique type of white cells known as lymphocytes are present in your lymph. Cancers showing up in these cells are known as lymphoma. Lymphocytes are chiefly cells of your blood – especially the white ones. Of such cells, there are three sub-types. These are T-cells, NK (Natural-killer cells) and B-type cells. Among these 3, B-type cells as well as T-type cells are the main cells of the human system’s immune system. These cells determine your response to external threats.
B-type cells help make antibodies to fight risks like infections. On the other hand, T-type cells enhance the robustness of your immune system. On identifying the threats, the former unleashes an added count of antibodies. More antibodies mean harmful microbes are under attack, and are besieged by your system’s immunity. The last category of lymphocytes – i.e., natural killer-type cells form part of your inborn strength to safeguard your body. NK cells protect the system against attacks like cancers and other autoimmune health problems.
Lymphoma is diagnosed through a biopsy, done on nodes of your lymphoid network. Sample of a node is removed, and then is studied with the help of a microscope in the clinical lab. But not kind of lymphoma are active; there are some types which rest in a dormant manner. For instance, smaller forms of lymphocytic cancer are known to be quite dormant.
Among the active forms of blood cancers like lymphoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma is a salient condition. It is notorious for its faster growth rate. If you are leaving it unattended, it may cause a fatal effect. For practical purposes, lymphoma is bifurcated into two major segments namely, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkin type of cancers.
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
This is a cancerous condition wherein multi-nucleated RS cells – i.e., of Reed Sternberg genre are seen in the lymphatic network. Such cells are of larger size, and from B-type of lymphocytes. Hodgkin’s lymphoma was first referred by Hodgkin, Thomas in the early part of 1830s.
Hodgkin’s lymphoma shows up through a few signs; distinct among them are night-time sweating, increase in body temperature, sudden loss of weight, etc. This type of cancer is subdivided into two finer categories namely, nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma and the classic form of Hodgkin lymphoma.
More than 50% of Hodgkin lymphoma is attributed to Epstein Barr virus. This viral strand generally triggers the classic form of this blood condition. Hodgkin lymphoma is treated through radiation therapies, chemo drugs as well as transplantation of stem cells. The stage at which your cancer is in determines the type of treatment offered.
If you witness an enlargement of a node of your lymphoid network, it can serve as an early warning sign of its occurrence. Lymphadenopathy – also known as pain-free enlarging of nodes. Here, your lymphatic nodes may swell and may turn like rubber. The nodes in your groin, neck and armpits may witness an inflammation. In some cases, nodes on your chest may swell; this can be bets detected with a chest X-ray or a scan.
Hodgkin’s lymphoma symptoms
Before knowing of the symptoms of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, you need to understand that the Epstein Barr virus (also known as EBV) is the root cause for this cancer. This viral strand is classified under herpes type of viral species. Of the many strands, EBV is regarded as the first strand to be identified to cause cancers. Owing to this, it is labelled as an oncogenic virus. In simpler terms, oncogenic strands are known to cause cancers. Most common forms of viruses do not have this property.
Most signs of Hodgkin’s lymphoma are commonly encountered symptoms. It is hence difficult to diagnose this condition without needful medical expertise. It often takes an oncologist’s discerning eye to tell the signs of this condition apart. A few of its signs are: swelling of lymphoid nodes –in your groin and armpits. Most of these nodal-inflammations are without pains. If these enlarged nodes do not go away on their own, you are advised to seek clinical help.
Some people may witness a few other symptoms like fever – raise in temperature may breach the 101 degrees Fahrenheit level, you may sweat more and may shed body weight in a rapid manner. Notwithstanding the above, symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma can also include signs of blood disorders like anemia; this can show up as tiredness, paling of skin, etc., acute episodes of anorexia, fatigue or weakness, respiratory problems like gasping and wheezing.
Stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma
At this fairly advanced stage, cancers may spread over to a few organs i.e., external to the lymphoid system. The overall rate of survival for a span of 5 years at this stage of lymphoma is close to 73%. The characteristic signs of stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma are recurrent spells of fever, loss of more than 9% of weight, inexplicable sweats during sleep-time, etc.
You may also experience tremors, internal bleeding, bruising, turning exhausted almost at all parts of the day, itchiness, etc. Stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma is treated with an intensive-sittings of chemotherapy. Administration of chemo meds is often the first choice of treatment. Other modalities to treat stage 4 level cancers of this type are radiation, immune-therapies as well as targeted therapy
Hodgkin vs non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma makes up for more than 9.5% of total incidence of blood cancers like lymphoma. But it is non-Hodgkin form of lymphoma that assumes a larger slice of the incidence pie. This form of lymphoma has more than 87% of total occurrence. Those who are infected by a unique virus known as Epstein Barr are more likely to get Hodgkin lymphoma. People who have a family history of Hodgkin lymphoma may also get it than others.
Risks factors that can trigger non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer include: prior or current onset of autoimmune health problems such as internal swelling, incidence of viral infections – especially, HIV / AIDS, intake of frequent overdose of immunosuppressant meds and being exposed to pesticides or other similar potent chemicals, etc. Those who smoke regularly and eating red-meat frequently may also stand to get non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma treatment
Blood cancers like lymphoma – especially, Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancers – are treated by the use of various approaches. A widely deployed approach is the use of medications – this is called chemotherapy. Depending on severity or what stage the condition is, ionised radiations are used as part of radiation therapies. There are also instances wherein drugs are administered through a targeted mode; this is called targeted treatment. In some remote instances, stem cells are transplanted to bring about needful outcomes.
Chemotherapy predominantly uses a meds-centric modality. The treating physician administers drugs at preplanned timelines as well as doses. Each dosage is provided via pre-determined sittings or visits to the cancer treatment setting – like a hospital or cancer clinic. You need to know chemo drugs remain the first option for other forms of blood cancers as well.
Use of chemo drugs for treating Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma is labelled as a systemic way of treating blood cancers. Under this approach, meds can reach all possible nooks of your body. The ease with which drugs qualifying as chemo meds are absorbed remains one of the main reasons for selection of such meds. As drugs issued under chemotherapy get into your bloodstream, they start their work in a relatively shorter span of time.
Meds prescribed and administered under chemotherapy sessions aim to offer remedies to your autoimmune health condition. When a complete cure is not a possible thing – drugs aim at enhancing your life-years. In this light, you need to know that drugs that bear the clearance of the US-based federal drug authorising authority alone are administered to patients. The caregiving team of physicians stand aware of what drugs work well at what stage of lymphomas.
Each drug works in cycles and depending on the stage of your blood cancer, the team of physicians prescribe a med at an optimal dosage strength. Yit is helpful to know that the food and drug administration has authorised more than 100 medications to be used under chemotherapy. Almost all meds – upon administration – find their way to cells and tissues without much time delay.
In sum, the decision of what type of approach fits well form your blood cancer – like Hodgkin lymphoma and / or non-Hodgkin lymphoma – rests solely with your team of medical oncologists. Factors commonly considered include presence of prior ailments diseases, age and if you are pursuing other medication plans. You are advised to consult with your team of oncologists to know more.
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Shetty B s a cardiologist in Chennai, with extensive experience in the field. He completed his MBBS from Madurai Kamaraj University, followed by an MD in General Medicine and a DM in Cardiology from The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University (TNMGRMU).