Growth of cancer
Growth of Cancer
Introduction: Growth of Cancer
Cancer is an autoimmune condition that causes cells to grow beyond control and also to spread to other organs. This condition may start at any site in your body. You also need to know that your system is made of hundreds of billions of cells. In general, your cells multiply and make way for more new cells; as per the needs of your system. For instance, older cells give way by dying and enable newer cells to show up.
There are instances wherein this process gets disturbed and hence more-rapid rate of growth of cells occur. In some cases, cells that are about to die may start multiplying. Such cells can develop into tumors; these are essentially lumps of a tissue. But not all tumors are cancer-causing. There are also non-cancerous tumors.
Cancerous cells can invade and thus spread to other healthier tissues. These cells may also reach out to other organs and may create tumors. This is known as metastasis. In medical parlance, cancer-causing tumors are also known as malignant-tumors. Most types of tumors show up as solid lumps. However, cancers forming in your blood – like leukemia – do not take a solidified form.
Cancer cells growth
Benign or non-malignant tumors neither invade or spread to other organs or tissues. Also, when surgically removed or cut off, they do not grow again. In case of cancer-causing tumors, some forms may come back after being eliminated surgically. Cells causing benign tumors generally lead to a large-sized lumps.
Cancer cells are capable of growing and spreading without receiving messages to activate their growth. On the other hand, non-cancer cells need external signals to grow. Cancer cells are capable of ignoring the messages that tell them to stop spreading and growing. But normal ones do not grow or spread beyond a point; for example, when non-cancer cells “run into” another cell, they do not grow further. Also, non-cancer cells are not known to move to other parts of your body.
Cancer cells also have an uncanny capability to “inform” arteries to assist the growth of tumors. Once directed, blood vessels tend to provide nutrients and oxygen for tumors to grow. These vessels also enable removal of waste to enable tumors to grow with ease. Cancer cells also know how to deceive tumors from your body’s immune cells. As a result, growth of cancer cells continues despite the vigil of your immunity cells.
Cancer growth time
Growth rates of cancer vary from one type to another. For instance, cancers forming in breasts are slow to grow. Similarly, rectal as well as colon cancers and prostate-related cancers grow at a slow but a steady rate. This is the reason why doctor suggest a wait and watch methodology to treat slow growing cancers – like say, prostate-based cancer.
On the other hand, cancers like those forming in lungs, myeloid cancers, etc. are known to grow at a faster pace. Most cancers of the fast-growth genre can also be treated with ease.
Cancer growth is staged based on the size of tumors and the extent of their spread. The various growth phases are: in situ, localised, regional, distant and unknown. Of these, in situ denotes the presence of precancerous colony of cells; however, these colonies have not spread to other / nearby tissues or organs. Localised stage represents the detection of cancer cells but they still have not started to spread out.
Regional stage means the cells have reached a tissue or lymph-node nearby. Distant stage denotes that cancer cells are detected in distant tissues and / or organs. The stage called ‘unknown’ represents inadequate availability of information; this makes it tough to label which stage the condition is in.
Numbering the various stages is also another practice of tracking growth of cancer cells. Stage # zero (0) denotes a few cells of abnormal nature have been detected. But these have not spread out. This can also be labelled as a precancer stage. Stage # 1, 2 & 3 – these numbers indicate the size of the tumor as well as the extent of growth of cancer cells. Stage # 4 indicates onset of metastasis at distant organs of your body.
Your pathological report is likely to use the TNM approach to stage the growth of cancer cells. Here, T represents the size of tumors. TX means tumors is not big enough and hence measuring it is a challenge. T0 refers to inability to locate the tumor. T1, T2 and T3 indicate the size and extent of spread.
In this light, N stands for number of lymph-nodes that stand afflicted by cancer cells. NX label is accorded when nodes cannot be computed. N0 means cancers are not observed in nearby nodes. N1, N2 and N3 denote numbers and site of nodes that are afflicted by cancerous cells.
M shows if cancer is metastasised or it is yet to go through that state. MX – is not measurable. M0 – not yet spread to other sites / organs. M1 – means the condition has spread out.
Skin cancer growth
Skin cancers occur when there is an abnormal and rapid growth of cells of your skin. These cancers may show up on skin that is exposed to sun’s rays. However, there are cases wherein such cancers have shown up on skin that is not usually exposed to sunlight. Skin cancers are categorized under three broad buckets namely, melanoma, carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
Cancer growth on skin
You are advised to check skin if there are any changes; this activity helps in detecting likely onset of cancers at a fairly earlier stage. Squamous cell carcinoma shows up on skin exposed to sunlight. The most common sites include ears, hands and facial skin. In case people with darker skin-tone, squamous cell carcinoma may show up on skin which is not exposed to sun’s rays. You can detect likely incidence of this condition when a lesion – often a flat one – with crusted / scaly top shows up. You may also see a red and firmer nodule on afflicted skin.
Melanoma may show up at any part but is more likely on trunk and face of males. Among females, lower part of their legs is more vulnerable. Melanoma may show up on all types of skin tones. But those with a darker tone, it may occur on soles as well as palms; in some cases, it may show up underneath toenails and / or fingernails.
Sign of skin cancers like melanoma include a color-changing mole or a bleeding mole, brown-colored spots, painful lesions that can either burn or itch. It becomes an essential thing to see a physician when you observe any abnormal changes on skin or any of the abovementioned signs.
Mouth cancer growth
Mouth cancer denotes cancerous growth on any part of your mouth like your lips, tongue, gums, roof of mouth, inner part of cheeks or on the floor of mouth i.e., underneath your tongue. These cancers may also be referred as oral cavity cancers or simply oral cancers. In fact, mouth cancers are grouped under a broader genre called head and neck cancer. This is because the treatment modality for oral cancers is similar to cancers detected in head and neck regions.
Cancer growth in mouth
Cancer growth in mouth can be detected by a few distinctive symptoms such as loosening of a tooth or teeth, an oral sore that never heals, red-colored or whitish patches inside your mouth, growth of a lump on an oral organ, pain inside your ears as well as problems faced while swallowing foods.
It is essential to see a qualified caregiving team when any of these signs stay on for long. Your doctor will likely order a battery of tests including biopsy of a tissue. The causes can be many for the incidence of cancer growth in your mouth; most commonly, changes / mutations in the DNA of cells inside your mouth are claimed as a common cause.
In most cases, cancer growth in mouth starts on thin and flat cells. Cells that line the inner parts of your mouth as well as lips are more likely to see cancer growth. But, what eludes medical research is the underlying reason behind cell-level mutations inside your mouth. Commonly observed and documented risk factors include excessive use of alcohol, smoking of tobacco products, exposing your lips to the sun excessively, several sexually transmitted vial conditions as well as a weaker immunity system.
You can prevent cancer growth in mouth by stopping the use of tobacco-based products like several chewable forms, cigars, cigarettes, pipes as well as snuff. In order to obtain more inputs about mouth cancers, you are advised to consult a qualified medical professional.
Information provided here are only of supplementary nature. Information shared here does not substitute a qualified doctor’s advice. This website is not suggesting that intake of a drug(s) or a treatment modality is safe or appropriate. You are urged to consult with a qualified clinical professional and get a treatment plan from her / him for the underlying medical condition(s).
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Shetty B s a cardiologist in Chennai, with extensive experience in the field. He completed his MBBS from Madurai Kamaraj University, followed by an MD in General Medicine and a DM in Cardiology from The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University (TNMGRMU).